Sunday, September 12, 2010

I'm Going To Weigh In Here.

The problem as I see it is not President Obama. It's our local & national leadership. No, not the politicians! Although they bear much of the responsibility as well. The problem lies within your community leaders. They march people in the streets but they don't march them to the polls. I have been fighting the local leadership here for so long and they have just barely gotten on board with pushing the "become a U.S. Citizen" and the "register to vote" concept. Granted there have been some organizations that have done it over the years and I won't include them in this analysis, but these bozos who get the TV face time and have refused to lead our people in the right direction are definitely to blame. Now take this scenario here and multiply it throughout the U.S., because I'm hearing this daily on my radio program from emails that come in instantly from Washington, New York, California, Oregon, Virginia, North goes on! They all say the same! We lack proper community leadership and the extreme right is way ahead of us! Why? Simple my friends! Our pseudo leaders have failed to create short term objectives and long term goals. A march in the streets every once in a while and they fizz out! No follow through! Look at what happened here in Phoenix re: SB1070. They raised hell for two days and then they crawled back in their cave with their Starbucks and muffin and started planning how they were going to solicit more funds for their organizations by manipulating the number of people they got to come out to the protests! Sad! Very sad! We need leadership! We lack leadership! Unfortunately the reality regarding our President is that he is a Black man in a White House! Even before his head hit the pillow in that "White House" the extreme right machine and the racists, xenophobes and natvists formed an alliance to mobilize and discredit, attack, obstruct and regain control of the U.S. and turn back the hands of time. They have been very successful! While our pseudo leaders and the progressives were celebrating the election of a man with a different name, a different skin color and of different Descendency who did not fit the mold, the aforementioned group was hard at work doing what was needed to create that doubt not just within those who were already agnostics but within those ardent supporters of the sitting President. So what I ponder is how do people play right into the hands of these groups previously mentioned? How is it that instead of doing our job at the local level and national level we play the same game they do? Blame the president. We have fallen victims to their devious plan! We can still change it before 2012! Start taking responsibility for your part of the world! Do anything and everything you can to form "true" grassroots movements! NOT corporately funded grassroots movements the way we saw with organizations like RIFA and several others. Be just as indignant as the right! Be just as vocal as the Tea Party! Be just as conniving as the Republicans! Don't send the Immigrants and our undocumented out to the streets to do your dirty work! You go out there and show America that the progressives, Democrats and many others are just as upset and that we know how to fight fire with fire!!!

Carlos E. Galindo

"Straight Talk With Carlos Galindo"

"Hablando Claro Con carlos Galindo"

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