Monday, August 30, 2010

Glen Beck wants to own racism & race relations. Beck purports to educate in order to stop and expose racism. We can all expose racism! Overt racism, but Glen Beck is part of that covert racism that prevails in the United States today. Of course we all see obvious racism and we know that every day it's even more rampant. However Beck and the rest of those extremist right wing pundits who purport to embrace minorities and women are part of that organized and funded effort to disguise racism and use organized puppets like the tea party to promote their agenda. While Beck and his "educated" Klan use code words to convince those who don't want to carry the tea party or extremist label, a concerted effort continues against a black man in a white house managed by a predominantly white controlled nation. A nation that insist on maintaining the culture of yesteryear. An America bent on turning back the hands of time, a desperate attempt to freeze the progress of America and to stop America's face from changing.

An unbelievable fear exists in the hearts and minds of Americans today. The fear that this will not only change from a White America or a Black America as previously feared during the struggle for civil rights of the fifties and sixties, but a Brown America. A country with a predominant majority of Latino faces. In 2010 America the likes of Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and the extremist splinter of the Republican party has sought to discredit the work of Martin Luther King, Mohandas Gandhi and Cesar Chavez. They have now turned their sights on blacks in America. They now have the Blacks on the defensive, and by keeping them occupied they are successfully dividing the minorities in this country. Divide & Conquer.

As it is the blacks in this country have clearly failed to aggressively step up to the plate to defend their Latino counterparts. They have stood back and watched an onslaught against "illegals" knowing full well that the attack was actually against Latinos in general. The blacks were sold a false bill of goods by the supposed moral white majority. They were told that they were part of this great country and that as such they should join this fight against the browning of America. They were told that brown people were stealing their jobs and that they were taking away opportunities that belonged to them.

Now I beg to ask the question? Why pray tell, would it be, that in accordance with the white pundits and the moral majority that the blacks would be the most affected by the advancement of Latinos in this country? Is that not a clear admission of the fact that blacks have never been given their just due? That they continue to remain on the lower rung of society? That this country is well aware of and actively works on the concept of maintaining minorities in lower paying jobs and in an oppressed state in order to allow a blonde haired blue eyed majority to rule as it has since the conception of this country. This would allow the ruling majority to continue the policy of transferring the wealth of this nation to one percent of its population.

Glen Beck's rally on Saturday August 28 a historic day marked by a famous speech given by a civil rights icon is an attempt to close the deal. An attempt to take control of not just the civil rights movement of blacks but to further spin the civil rights movement into one which places white America as the grantor of civil rights and whose rights are now under attack. To paint whites as the oppressed in America instead of the oppressor as it has been since European settlers arrived on this land and raped an pillaged in order to create what is now the United States.

I know, I know we must get on. Reparations have been made you say, ha! Ask the Native Americans, So the Japanese Americans were given some compensation for incarcerating them in internment camps for being Americans of Japanese descent, Blacks were given the right to vote and there was an effort to desegregate all white schools. Oh, I know!!!, I was one of the minorities being bused to an all white school to be the punching bag of white kids while America tried to adjust to the concept of minorities in all white schools.

So if so much has been done to quote unquote change America why are you and others complaining?

The fact is we are not so much complaining as fighting and screaming at the top of our lungs for survival because as your pundits carry your banner of  a "white America is the only America", as you spin the civil rights movement and make an all out effort to hijack the that movement, legal Latinos are kicking and screaming as they are being drug across the border and tossed into a country they don't know.

Why am I complaining? Because I have been the sole of your shoe for so many years.

Why am I complaining? Because I have been watching you demonize me and my people for centuries and the attack has quadrupled as of late.

Why am I complaining? Because 47 years prior to Glen Beck's disrespectful charade on the steps of the Lincoln memorial a reverend, a man of color delivered a message that contained a dream, not only on behalf of blacks but all those oppressed by the white majority. A dream converted into a plea for America. A plea for racial tolerance and for equality. A message meant to unite, to heal, to allow the breaking of chains once and for all from not just the existing binds but the virtual chains which up to that day continued to scar the black and minority communities in this country.

Why am I complaining? because on that very day that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his message to America you had a member of that modern day white majority attempting to re-secure those chains of bondage. Oh, don't get me wrong. Those chains have never been removed. They have hung there loosely as a reminder of who we are and what are place is in white America. Yesterday on the 28th day of August Glen Beck, a racist who promotes the ideology of nativism, who utilizes xenophobia to further scare white America, a man who daily wears a virtual pointed hood delivered a speech from the very steps of the Lincoln Memorial where Dr. King delivered his speech almost half a century ago.

Glen Beck's message did not serve the same purpose as  Dr. King's message, his message served to reverse much of the work done by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. Glen Beck's speech was titled "Restoring Honor". I have done my homework. I have studied this man. I have watched him for hours upon hours tiredly bring guest after guest to his television program to explain how the Whites have been the ones who have granted minorities opportunities in this country. He has brought historians to spin and distort historical facts or to create their historical inaccuracies.

This my friends is the culmination of Glen Beck's efforts to seize the civil rights movement, to transfer what dignity blacks and minorities have been granted to them by the likes of Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez and other true minority leaders. An organized and systematic effort strip us of that which we have clung onto for years, our glimmer of hope that we could build on that foundation for a better diverse and racially tolerant America. An America where we would not be judged by our skin but the content of our character as Dr. King so eloquently put it on that day in 1963 on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in front of the statute of the first American with the guts to attempt to change the treatment of minorities.

My dear friends, have no doubt, be assured that in 2010 America you as a minority are slowly losing what rights you had and that there is a concerted effort to strip you of what little dignity you have left. You are under the microscope. You are being targeted. You and you and you will be next. The question is,  starting today, the day after that historic day on which Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and the day after Glen Beck trampled on that speech, what will you do? Before you read this and walk away, I ask you to ponder another piece of history written by Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller.

They came first for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

Carlos E. Galindo is a radio talk show host and political analyst in Phoenix, Arizona and can be heard on KXXT 1010 AM Saturday Mornings from 9-11:00 AM or via Internet on Spanish speakers can hear his Spanish language show on KASA 1540 AM syndicated on 580 AM (Phoenix-Tucson) Monday thru Friday from 7-8:00 AM or via Internet on Read Carlos Galindo's weekly Spanish column on

Tea Party Nuts at the Beck Restoring Racism Rally

Restoring Racism

Tea Party Lunatics In Costumes

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